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6 Best Ways to drive Free Traffic to your Website


Traffic is the lifeblood of every online business , even if the business is offline, you still need people to know what you are selling so that they will patronize you . The same also applies to online business. Traffic is classified into two – Free or organic traffic and Paid Traffic. Free traffic is that traffic that comes to your website without you needing to pay for ads like Facebook or Google ads , they are the traffic that comes whenever you share your contents on different social media platforms . On the other hand, Paid traffic just like the name implies is a traffic generated through paid means only.  Such traffic can come from search engines, Facebook etc and is always directed to your website when a user clicks on an ad placed on either search engine results page or on  Facebook post.

I usually recommend Free traffic to anyone who just started an online business , but if you have some money, then  you can go for the paid traffic . Many business owners prefer the free traffic because  it does not involve spending money on ads . If you are among the list , then you are welcome.

In this post , I will be sharing with you the best ways you can drive free traffic to your website so  ensure you read this post to the end . If this your first time seeing this post , I encourage you to join my mailing list for more updates and tips . Having done that , let us continue

There are numerous ways, strategies, and tactics to generate a healthy flow of regular traffic to your website if you plant the right seeds online, which eventually will grow into traffic sources.  I will sharing with you the basic ones which includes the following

  • Engage in social discussion Forums
  • Create High quality and Amazing Content
  • Use self -publishing platforms
  • Use Social media platforms
  • Guest Blogging
  • Email marketing

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By going to social discussion forums online, you can you can participate in several conversations by discussing the  subjects you are an expert in . You can participate by asking quality questions , giving meaningful and helpful answers and connecting with people online. This will help inculcate curiosity in the peole you interact with which makes them to visit your profile and know more about what you do. You can add links to your website on your profile but make sure you have transparency in how you direct them to your website .

If you are looking for social discussion forums to engage with , I recommend Quora, Reddit . These are the ones I engage with .   You can also locate facebook groups that focuses on your niche , send them request to join and when they have accepted you , ensure that you keep their rules in other to remain active member.


Free traffic

Content is a great way to engage and drive  traffic to your website . After creating the content , ensure you optimize your content so that your content will show up on search results which as well leads to a massive inflow of free traffic.

Great content marketing is a cost-effective marketing strategy in the long run because people will always search for things online, and if your content offers them value, your content will rank on Google .You need to create genuinely insightful , educational and also entertaining content for your audience .

Another key to content marketing success is to write catchy headlines  for your content to  instantly grab your audience’s attention. When people search online for information, they’re naturally inclined to click on article topics that catch their eye with an energetic promise of giving them value. Catchy  headlines can boost your click-through rates and increase your website’s traffic.


Platforms like Medium  will allow you to create great contents and give them proper tags so that your content will gain exposure to a larger audience that use this platform regularly  .You can also build subject matter expertise in your domain by self-publishing books on online public platforms like Amazon ,You can publish presentations or PDF slides on platforms like Slideshare, which can generate lots of website traction too. You can publish podcasts on iTunes and videos on social media platforms like YouTube. Ensure that all your contents has  internal links to your website, so that your website can get huge traffic


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Billions of people are active on social media platforms like Facebook, instagram, tiktok etc , this gives you an avenue to drive massive traffic to your website.  With their added features like groups and communities, you can now attract even more potential readers and customers . You need to leverage hash tags on these platforms to reach new potential customers  which in turn can help increase your website traffic

There are several opportunities to advertise at no cost online, but we must also mention some paid methods here. Advertising at no cost can be done via newsletters, media platforms (like Gum tree or Yellow Pages) or any other marketing channel that permits free ads.


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Guest blogging is when you invite someone from outside of your company to write a blog that will be published on your website. It can generate significant website traffic if you partner with the right blogs . You need to identify the right blogs with targeted audience, then you reach out to their editors to do a gust post on their blog.

Ensure that you get in touch with editors that have an established audience and make them an offer to create a piece of content that adds massive value to their readers. In exchange, you can ask them to put your name as the article’s author and request a link leading back to your website.


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This is a vital step to take on your website. The first step is to create an email capture popup that request website visitors to leave their email addresses in exchange for a valuable offer you have to give them . Doing this will collect as many email addresses as possible provided you are offering them something of value. Once they leave their email addresses, their email addresses will be saved in a list. These are your fans, the people who want to be part of your journey, your brand advocates and, quite possibly, your future customers. Having gotten their email addresses, you then need to maintain a positive relationship with them by sending them useful updates on your website  and also include link to your website in your email.  This will drive traffic back to your website .Do this each time you create a valuable content on your website.

Thanks for reading , do well to share this post with your friends

About Author

I love writing Reviews on internet Marketing software so that you will buy the best for your online business growth

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