Earning extra cash online in your spare time is not a bad idea, is it? One place to start is on Fiverr. Fiverr is an online marketplace where freelancers can advertise their skills or services, get hired, and earn money after offering their services or gigs.
Starting your own gig on Fiverr allows you much more control over what you do, when and where you work, and how much you get paid for it.
To help you get started, I have put together 5 easy Fiverr gigs that will earn you money
Freelance web research
Web researching is one particular time-saving gig that can get you paid for your patience. Web research typically involves tracking down email addresses, images or brand mentions online. This gig requires some useful features below
- Great attention to detail
- persistence
- Investigative skills
- Ability to collate information in concise reports
Ebook Cover Designing
Self-publishing has really exploded with many authors seeking ebook formats. Hence, ebook cover designs have a very high demand making this gig a profitable one.
This gig requires the following skills below
- Design skills
- Time management
- Strong image-making abilities
- Visual analysis skills
- Up-to-date knowledge of visual trends in publishing
Sell your social media skills
This gig involves building an online following and creating viral posts on social media
Flexing your digital skills can be good for you, too. Having proven experience managing marketing campaigns, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), or customer engagement is highly relevant to plenty of career paths.
This gig requires the following useful skills below
- Understanding how to generate engagement on social media
- Ability to adapt content and tone for different social platforms
- An ability to build a following on your own social media
Write on a freelance basis
This gig involves writing blog posts for others and making money from them. You need to be fluent in the English language and another language. You can stand out from the crowd by mentioning your area of expertise in your gig description
Useful skills required
- Ability to adapt your writing style depending on the brief
- Strong grasp of spelling, punctuation, and grammar
- Attention to detail.
Hope this helps, Thanks for reading, and remember to share this post with anyone that will find this post useful.
I highly recommend that you join Fiverr, Click here to join now